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Welcome back!
While we have loved being a part of your education and college lives, we love even more when an alumnus revisits our department or sends us a message after graduation. We consider our alumni to be our strongest asset, and the network of support you found here at SIU Carbondale while completing your studies only grows stronger in the years beyond.
Please drop us a line and catch us up on the exciting details of the life and accomplishments you've built for yourself since departing SIU Carbondale. Your continued success beyond college is what motivates the exceptional teachers and passionate mentors here in the Zoology program, and you are the inspiration our future alums are looking for today. If you would like to support scholarships for current future students please visit the College of Agriculture, Life and Physical Sciences Give to the College web page or the Making a Gift page at the SIU Foundation website; indicate the Zoology Development Endowment Fund as your giving priority.