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By Dr. George Waring

  • 2000sThroughout the first decade of the 21st century, the Department of Zoology program was housed in the Life Science II and Life Science III buildings. The total number of faculty remained near two dozen .. Read more.
  • 1990sThe decade of the 1990s began with chemist John Guyon (former Dean of the College of Science) as President of SIUC, zoologist Ben Shepherd as Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Research, botanist John Yopp as Dean of the Graduate School, and geologist Russell Dutcher as Dean of the College of Science. Read more.
  • 1980s: This decade saw changes, especially in personnel and in the course offerings of the Department of Zoology. Continually striving to upgrade, the Department experienced a slight increase in total faculty by decade's end. Read more.
  • 1970sThe decade of the 1970s began with more protests about the Vietnam War and other issues that marked the end of the '60s. In spring 1970, SIUC was under the leadership of Chancellor Robert MacVicar. Read more.
  • 1960s: An eventful decade that saw the full glory of leadership under President Delyte W. Morris and ended with a disruptive minority of students and act of arson on Old Main. Read more.
  • 1950sThe multifaceted changes that exemplified the 1940s continued during the ensuing decade for our Department of Zoology. President Delyte Morris joined the university  in 1949 and an unprecedented expansion was launched. Read more.
  • 1940sThe decade of the 1940s saw many changes with regard to both the curriculum and the faculty. Willard Gersbacher was Head of the Department of Zoology; the other faculty were Hilda Stein and Martha Scott. Read more.
  • 1915-1940: Glimpses of the life sciences for the 25-year period from 1915 through 1940 at SIUC, with an emphasis on changes in the curriculum and the faculty who served the department. Read more.
  • 1874-1914: In the 1870s, tuition was $4-10/term and there were three terms each year. A two-year program was offered in teacher education. Room and board was $2.50-5.00/week. Read more.